Who AM I.

Who I AM is first and foremostly a human being just like yourself reading this.

I’m a husband and a father of two awesome kids who inspire me to try and be a better human being everyday.

I am an ex-corporate problem solver of systems, process and change management.  

I am a full time entrepreneur who loves using his experience to create functional products and take them to market.

I am still that young boy who believed that he is destined for more, that he can do more, and that he can give back more to society by sharing his life experiences and knowledge gained through this journey we call life.

I believe there are people that come into our lives at the right time to help inspire us to our next step of greatness – this was certainly true for me, and now I AM able to pay it forward

A bit of my background

I was born to a teenage mom whose family was moved into state housing by the then apartheid government in South Africa. My biological father was sent to prison early in my life and I never got to know him. 

I despised my stepfather, whom himself was a product of the apartheid system and knew no better, and did no better. In all statistical likelihood, I should have either been shot, in prison, dead, or if I was lucky, living a life of scarcity. My rags to riches story is not a unique one, it’s not even the worst one, but it is the story that made me.

I built this life with the guidance and input of the many mentors I’ve had throughout my life.  The mental shift has afforded me to live and work in 5 different countries over the past 20+ years and own property in 3 of them. No matter what your circumstances you to can build the life you want.

Life is not about being rich, popular, highly educated or perfect. Its about being real, humble, and kind.


You are creating your future today!

Be mindful of your thoughts and actions, they are the building blocks of your future.

I had to make you uncomfortable, otherwise you never would have moved.

the universe

Get in touch

I’d love to connect and hear your story