‘I am, You are…’

It’s two of the most powerful words we can use in front of a sentence to shape our reality and the reality of others.

I personally believe this statement to be true and have seen it determine my life and those of others. I started this website to provide real-life content to inspire young adults. To provide inspiration and success stories from others whom have faced adversity but still managed to make a success of their lives.

I AM grateful to have overcome poverty and oppression.

I AM now able to seek ways in which to help influence young adults through positive thinking, guidance and inspirational input, all of which have the ability to change people’s lives.

Who am I?

I AM Ricardo, I AM more than my name, my race, my color, and my beliefs – and so are YOU.
Find out more...

Belief ONE

I have the ability and capability to learn anything I choose to learn –
and so do YOU.

Belief TWO

I can master any skill that I choose to put my mind to with enough effort and perseverance – and so can YOU.

Belief THREE

I create my future reality through what I choose to focus my energy on today – and so can YOU.

You alone hold the power to define who YOU are”.

Ricardo Collison
Lets inspire greatness

Let’s Inspire Greatness

I AM always looking to inspire our youth, young and older adults alike.

I believe there are people that come into our lives at the right time to help inspire us to our next step of greatness – this was certainly true for me, and now I AM able to pay it forward